Monday, August 5, 2013

Dog Days of Summer --Traveling Tips with Food Allergies and/or Dogs!

Travel with allergies
Lucy relaxing on vacation.

Summer is a pretty good time to be a dog.

My pooch, Lucy, just had the time of her life on vacation with our family.

She swam, hiked, played with the boys and got to be with us 24/7 for two weeks. 

Lucky for Lucy, the things that make it easier to travel with food allergies also make it better for being a dog on vacation.

Vacation with Food Allergies

Our number one travel tip is: Have some control over where you stay.

  • Go camping. Pack up coolers with safe and delicious foods, and enjoy the great outdoors.  
  • Stay with friends or family. Send along a list of preferred brands and safe foods before you go, so that there are no surprises. You can also go grocery shopping together to plan safe meals to enjoy.
  • Rent a house or cottage, rather than staying in a hotel. If you have your own kitchen to use, you don't have to rely on unfamiliar restaurants that might or might not be able to accommodate your needs. 
This summer, we rented a cottage on a small lake. We had campfires, went hiking, and swam. We stayed up late looking at stars and hung out during the days reading books. It was peaceful and fun.

Lucy got to be with her people 24/7, and we all enjoyed our time together.

Having a pet helps make our lives richer. (We also have a cat, but she couldn't come along.)

My friend, Stephanie Weaver of Recipe Renovator, understands the connection between people and their pets. She has written a beautiful book about pet love and loss, called Golden Angels. Stephanie has undertaken a Kickstarter campaign to get her book into print and to help spread the word through a book tour. If you are a pet lover, please check out her site and find a recipe for yummy dog treats. She is offering some nice thank you gifts for people who donate to her campaign.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

Happy Cooking!

My new book Super Seeds, is available now! You can also find tasty recipes in Welcoming Kitchen: 200 Delicious Allergen & Gluten-Free Vegan Recipes.


  1. Some great tips, thanks for sharing. Dogs really do love the Summer so it's important to make it as enjoyable for them as possible!

  2. That is great information.It's really great post.

  3. Love these tips! So simple that we often forget how easy it can be. Recently stayed with friends while traveling and told them both I would be happy to cook for them while I was with them. :D They loved it!

  4. Isn't it funny, Debi, how easy it is to overthink things? When really, it can be as easy as cooking together. Your friends were lucky to get you in their kitchen!
