Thursday, August 8, 2013

Breakfast Idea Roundup

sugar-free granola, gluten-free and vegan

It turns out my kids don't eat too much lunch at school.  Why?  The faster they eat, the sooner they can get out to play at recess.

I have worked hard to make lunches that will be so enticing that they will eat some of it (even a sunflower seed butter and chocolate chip sandwich when I was really desperate!). 

My main nutrition strategy, though, is to give them breakfasts that have lots of good stuff, so even if they just eat a bit of lunch, they won't be too worse for wear.

On The Balanced Platter today, I highlight some of my favorite ideas for breakfast (and have my recipe for fruit-sweetened granola). Please stop by and add some ideas of your own.

Happy Cooking!

My new book Super Seeds, is available now! You can also find tasty recipes in Welcoming Kitchen: 200 Delicious Allergen & Gluten-Free Vegan Recipes.


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