Wow! Did I learn a lot! I want to better communicate with you, and I want you to be better able to communicate with me. In one day, I heard so much about what I could do to make our Welcoming Kitchen more, well, welcoming.
One change that I will be making is to better utilize Facebook and Twitter to let you know when I hear about things that I think might be useful or interesting. For example, I will pass along information about product recalls, yummy-sounding recipes I find on other sites, giveaways here and elsewhere. I also hope that you will share what you're finding interesting at our page.
Would you please "like" Welcoming Kitchen on Facebook?
Would you please "follow" Welcoming Kitchen on Twitter (@welcomekitchen)?
Another thing that I'd like to do is let you know what we're eating on Mondays. Whether you need some menu ideas to avoid getting bored or you're thinking about trying to eat less meat and dairy and are unsure how to do that within the context of a restricted diet, I'd like to give you a few ideas.
Two of my favorite kids (aside from my own), Gavin and Noah, decided they wanted to try to go meatless once a week to lesson their impact on the environment. For more information, check out what the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has to say about food and the environment.
So, what are we eating today?
Breakfast: Oatmeal with dried, sweetened cranberries, a little maple sugar and non-dairy milk.
Lunch: Falafel with chopped salad for me, leftover mac and cheese (made with soup base in place of water) and strawberries for the boys.
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Cream of Broccoli Soup (with Daiya for Evan, without for Casey) and biscuits
Dessert: Strawberry Chocolate Chunk Mini Muffins
What are you eating?
Happy Cooking!
Find lots of tasty recipes in Welcoming Kitchen: 200 Delicious Allergen and Gluten-free Vegan Recipes.
Gavin and Noah sound like really cool kids! Hee hee. Thanks for always being inspiring and helpful.
ReplyDeleteThey're the coolest!