Wow! The Gluten-free Cooking Expo was such an amazing experience in so many ways. We had a fabulous time meeting friends, trying out new products, and selling our books. The vendor fair was incredible with so many companies and individuals out to make living with allergies easier! We got a bunch of samples, so we'll have plenty of great Welcoming Kitchen-friendly products to review in the next few weeks.
It was so much fun to be selling and signing our books. By the end of the weekend, we actually sold out of the books we brought so that was an unexpected surprise! We talked with hundreds of people who are living gluten-free for a wide range of reasons -- from people living with celiac or food allergies to others who are trying to manage symptoms related to autism spectrum disorder, multiple sclerosis, or arthritis.
We also had a great time visiting with some outstanding folks who are working hard to make the lives of people living with dietary restrictions a little sweeter, sometimes literally! Jen Cafferty of the Gluten-free Cooking Expo really outdid herself. I can't even imagine how she was able to pull off such a well-rounded event that catered to over 1,000 people over the course of the weekend. Kudos to Jen! We were honored to be a part of it.
Spending time with Rhonda Lewis of AllergySense was also a treat. We have "met" Rhonda through our website, and they have been amazingly supportive of our Welcoming Kitchen and we are so grateful! If you haven't checked out their website yet - you should. It's a wealth of information for people with all sorts of food allergies and restrictions.
One of the true highlights of the weekend was meeting fabulous cookbook author and fellow allergy mom, Cybele Pascal. She is a true inspiration and we were so happy to get to spend time with her! It was fun to spend time with someone who is so amazing. Her encouragement of our efforts and support was remarkable! Her book, The Allergen-Free Baker's Handbook is chock full of yummy treats. Can't wait to start baking up her treats...
We also got a chance to visit with Scott Mandell from Enjoy Life. If you read our blog, you know how much we love our Enjoy Life chocolates!
Coming up next is our review of Doodles Cookies nut-butter cookies. Until then ...
Happy Cooking!
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